**MAYBE coming?** Not that I actually have time to establish this, BUT! As I grow into myself more as a theatremaker and dramaturg, I feel more and more strongly about establishing DOLL THEATRE, which would be the theatremaking arm of the Rebel Ragdoll f’empire. DOLL THEATRE would echo the vision and mission of the Rebel Ragdoll brand and would be a female-run, female-identified theatre company focused on increasing the presence and impact of female theatre-makers both on and off the stage.
This means that the theatre crew would be an all-woman crew (and would include those who identify as women or who identify as transgendered women). We would produce and develop female / female-identified playwrights. The producers and directors at the theatre-company would also be women or female-identified. The inclusion and the cultivation of voices of color, of the differently-abled, and of the diversely-gendered would also be a major focus of Doll Theatre.