RebelRagdollD04bR01bP02ZL-Jefferson1bIt’s finally MINI-COURSE TIME!

For you novel writers and screenwriters, here’s a nice video mini-course treat for you on story continuity. This is the beginning of a series of mini-courses (which I’ll post as often as I can) on certain tools that you can use to enhance your writing skills. This first course deals with one of the most technical editing aspects of novel writing: fixing issues of story continuity!

Continuity, whether in time, weather, or plot organization, is super important when building a believable story. Whether you are using real planet Earth, post-apocalyptic planet Earth, or your own fictional worlds as your story setting, you need to have a way to keep track of your world’s time and weather changes. Today I’m going to use a video tutorial to show you how I use Scrivener’s notecard system to organize my time continuity and weather continuity for my sci-fi & fantasy novel, “Ghosts of Koa”. Check it out, and tell me what you think! 😉

Keep it indie,
<3 Colby