So you might think it’s a liiittle bit early to be thinking about my summer trip to Eastern Europe, but honestly, it’s never too early to plan, dahling! First and foremost, not only am I a writer, but I’m also very much a self-proclaimed globetrotter. Okay, well, I’m a baby globetrotter, lol! I love to travel and backpack and write along the way! The travel bug bit me in 2011 when I took my very first trip abroad at the age of 25. I traveled, by myself, to seven countries and eighteen cities, and it’s been torture sitting still since!! 😉 I’ll be posting more about those travels as I count down the weeks to my next backpacking trip. But let us look forward into the future at the new! If you notice the title of the post, it’s “Life of a Fashionable Writer-Backpacker”. But you might ask me:
Can I “rough it and be fashionable”?
Oh yes, honey. The photos I’ve posted below were all taken while I was on the road in Europe, and I was kickin’ it, baby. 😉 I will teach you how to be economical and fashionable while traveling on a budget! I was comfortable, cute, and saw and learned so much… all while keeping my steez up. Stay tuned to more posts on how I shop for these types of trips!
Where did you go?
Well, then! I’m glad you asked! So on my last trip I hit Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. As for cities, I visited: Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Blois, Roscoff, Milan, Venice, Rome, Pompeii, Florence, Naples, Berlin, Potsdam, Dublin, Glendalaugh, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Eindhoven. It was incredible, and as I count down to my next trip, I’ll blog about the highlights!
How much did it cost? What should I budget?
Oooh, boy, now this is fun because it’s surprisingly cheap to travel, especially if you’re a student or teacher! I budgeted about 3,000 for a 5.5 week trip! That might sound like a bunch, but it was actually a STEAL considering how much five day cruises to three islands cost nowadays! I’ll go more into budgeting for a backpacking trip when I begin to do my budget for this up and coming trip.
How did you decide where to go? Were you scared? What did you pack?
Woah, woah! So many questions! No worries, though! I’ll get into ALL of that in due course! But right now, let’s do what we usually do when we’re trying to make a decision as writers…. BRAINSTORM and DREAM. These are three places I plan to go for the summer of 2013: