Hey all!
I just wanted to drop a quick line to all my readers because I hate being away from my blog as long as I have. I’ll try my best to keep up and give you the NaNoWriMo coolness I promised, but things have just been so ridiculously busy lately. Had some great creative successes, which you can read about here, but more recently, I’ve been busy with things that are 100% irrelevant time sucks on my writing, my blog, and my creative business. Work + unnecessary Thanksgiving craziness + limits on my writing time = a really exhausted and irritable Colby.
SO I’m putting “Colby’s Cove” on a pause while I do a “blog-slog”. Translation: a week-long hiatus while I crank out the posts, podcasts, and vlog reviews I promised! Also, as you might have noticed from the ridiculously tall stack of papers to the right, I’m in the thick of the last edits on my novel “Ghosts of Koa: The First Book of Ezekiel” before it is released in ebook form! Exciting, but also exhausting.
Quick NaNoWriMo Update: I also finished NaNoWriMo, but I didn’t win! I say “finished” because I wrote about 7,000 words during this crazy month, but then when my life crazy hit, I combined pages I had already written months ago with ones that I wrote during November. I focused much more on my upcoming novel this month. While I’m sad I won’t be able to crank out the new 43,000 words I’d need to win, I’d love to hear your success story (or your story of valiant attempts)!
So what’s coming up?
* The ebook release of my first sci-fi & fantasy novel, “Ghosts of Koa”
* Colby’s Christmas Countdown, where I’ll attempt, every day until Christmas, to post an original 500-word article on sci-fi & fantasy writing. These include activities and holiday writing tips to help you along in your fiction writing journey. Consider it a NaNoWriMo, but for non-fiction blogging. And it’s all for you, my awesome readers!
* The relaunch of The Book of Ezekiel website, where readers and imagineers can delve into the mysterious world of alchemy. With the help of a very special guest, you’ll explore alchemical processes, symbology, history, folklore, and of course, get a personal tour of the alchemical world built in my novel series!
Stay tuned, happy writing, and as always…
Keep it indie,
<3 Colby