Wow. Q3 was pretty explosive (in some ways bad, but in most? Explosive in a SERIOUSLY awesome way!). Surprisingly, I’ve gotten a LOT done creatively, even while being the sole caretaker of my infant daughter for about half of Q3. So I’m really proud of myself. It’s really shaping up to be a great and productive year at the end of 2015!
That? And I ADORE autumn! It’s literally my favorite time of the year, so I’m really amped, not only because I left Q3 blazing in glory, but because I’m mega turned on about what’s coming for Q4! But alas, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. First, here’s the round up for Q3!
Creative Achievements for Q3 2015 (July 1 – September 30)
1. Summer 2015 classes dominated and Fall 2015 classes activated!
I’m rockin’ that 4.0 average, but way more importantly, I’m adding more knowledge to my nerd brain. Super excited! It’s here that I’m going to keep a running tally of the classes I’m taking and have taken (cuz I’m neradlicious like that). Here’s the tally so far:
- Small Business Entrepreneurship (Summer 2015)
- Introduction to Broadcasting (Summer 2015)
- Introduction to Film Studies (Fall 2015)
- Introduction to Java Script (Fall 2015)
- Mobile App Development (Fall 2015)
2. Got a scholarship so that I can pursue my third academic degree!
Okay, so what is Colby doing? WHERE IS THE NEXT NOVEL, FOR GOODNESS SAKES? Isn’t she DONE with school already? Well, yes, and no. Never! Lol!
I’m enrolled part-time at the local community college in my city, and I’ve decided to go for a double major in Radio / TV Broadcasting and Computer Science. I’m really excited to be entering a STEM major and that I’m learning a brand new skill.
Still, I’ll also be taking a whole host of courses from different departments including Criminal Justice, Business, and Graphic Design. There’s always something new to learn, I’m constantly gaining inspiration for my novels, and I don’t want to miss any of it! As long as school exists, I’ll always be there, because I’m a lifelong learner, and there are great benefits to being a student and a teacher. Including getting some great writing time in!
3. Updated the bookstore on my website with NEW PRODUCTS!

The Boulder Bookstore located on the West end of the Pearl Street Mall Nov. 11, 2008. (CU Independent file/ Sam Hall)
Some people wouldn’t consider this a creative achievement, but then those are probably the folks that don’t have to manage their own bookstores, lol! As you guys know, I’ve been rebranding and updating my books series, “The Books of Ezekiel”, and as the covers and interiors have changed, so must my selling outlets.
So, if you’re hankerin’ for a new and improved copy of my works, check out my BOOKSTORE. Stay tuned for a PRE-ORDER option for the next book in the BOE series, The Iron Maiden! ALSO, I’ve also added my two new audiobooks, THE GIVEN and THE TAKEN, more bite-sized version of Ghosts of Koa! And speaking of, I…
4. Officially published and released the audiobooks for “The Given” and “The Taken”!
Thanks to the kindness and dedication of my awesome actor, Michael T. Bradley, the audiobooks for The Given and The Taken are officially finished and published! Yay!
Seems like this was a good idea, as audiobook sales for the Books of Ezekiel series went up almost immediately. Seems as though people like their audiobooks bite-sized, so that’s something to keep in mind for the future!
5. Finished and submitted “Choice of Covens” game outline to “Choice of Games” game company.
And now comes the wait… We’ll see if I get the coveted green light (or a red light)!
But, as I said before, even if I don’t get selected, at least I’ll still have a really great outline for a game that I can publish independently! (I’m all about staying in Silverliningville.) I’m planning for “Choice of Covens” to be a trilogy, and the way it’s turning out, I just know people are going to LOVE it!
6. Created a sample business plan for “Writers’ Strike”, my (future) Los Angeles-based writer’s bistro & coffeehouse.
I know. You’re looking at this and going, “What the hell, ANOTHER project?!” Well, not so much. Opening a writer’s bistro is something I definitely would LOVE to do in about 10 years, but it’s not something I planned on working on at the moment.
Still, in my business class, I was required to work on this idea (as a part of my grade), so I ran with it to the MAX. It was a great opportunity to flush out my ideas.
While I’ll be filing this in the “check this out again in 10 years” folder, the skills I gained from completing the plan are definitely invaluable and applicable to the current businesses that I want to be successful. On the other hand, for those currently running a physical business, a site like Smarter Business may help propel their journey.
7. Worked (and am working) furiously on Bohemian Badass for its super debut in January 2016!
Not only do I continue to work on the outlines, title lists, and subject scopes of my Bohemian Badass non-fiction series, but I’m also working super hard to develop online classes, introductory FREE webinars, and an online Bohemian Badass School for Creatives!
I will definitely use Bohemian Bad Ass to educate, empower, and inspire other creative entrepreneurs like myself as they walk their individual paths to success!
8. Soft launched my Patreon Business Page & my new Transcendent Trilogies Project!
Right now, I’m just testing the viability of the page and of the idea itself. The hard launch of my Patreon page will happen right after the new year with all the bells and whistles on! 🙂
As for the Transcendent Trilogies project, THAT’S something you’ll have to wait for! It’s a huge surprise and an awesome community-based novel-writing project that I know you guys will love!
9. Programmed two computer games and added them to my game design portfolio!
One of them was an interactive story game (hilariously based on Justin Bieber) and the other was a “rock, paper, scissors” game.
I can’t tell you how orgasmic this was, lol!
It’s just a start, but I’m super amped about these accomplishments, and I know I’ll have even more games to add to my portfolio as the year draws to a close. Let’s get that STEM swag on!
10. Added FIVE new intellectual properties & series concepts to the Rebel Ragdoll project slate!
And I’d love to announce them here, but I’ve decided recently to keep a lot of my work under the cap. I like the feeling of giving the world surprises and keeping my creative energy in my cauldron so it can bubble and boil and simmer!
Still, I’ll give a teeny hint: two of them are trilogies, two are going to be contained novel series, and the last one is a series of standalone novels for the paranormal mystery genre! 😉
That now makes over 40 unique ideas that will power my writing career over the course of my lifetime!
11. Got an AMAZING work-from-home job that fits with my life (finally).
So, as you can imagine, being a stay-at-home / write-from-home mom is a full-time never-ending job. Still, while I continue to build my businesses and push my novels (and just plain ole hustle), I also need to continue to make money to support us and pay bills in the meantime.
So yay! I now work as the Social Media Manager & Virtual Assistant for Bernadette Pleasant’s amazing company “Femme!”.
Bernadette, her mission, and her enterprise are so up my alley both personally and professionally, as she continues to empower women to explore, own, and express their feminine divine. I’m so excited to work with her!
12. Officially started an “anti-resumé”!
I got so inspired last year by an article I read in 2013 on a blog written and curated by the lovely Monica Byrne. It’s called “My Anti-Resumé”, and I highly suggest ALL creative people read it.
She says that of all the times she’s submitted her work, she’s only met with success 3% of the time. But that 3% of success was completely worth that 97% of failure. She also actively keeps track of all her failures just so that she can keep perspective when things get rough.
That article continues to sustain me as a writer-artist who seeks to make her living off her own writing. It’s a shining beacon of inspiration because it tells me (and all of us) to KEEP GOING NO MATTER WHAT. That rejection is an expectation and success will come, but only if we keep at it. Monica’s process also allows us to stay humble and grounded.
So I’ve decided to do the same thing, and start my OWN anti-resumé. And I’ll post it for public viewing soon. Like Monica, I submit my work to a variety of opportunities throughout the year, and though I get rejected from most of them, I do hit some success. I generally report on everything I do, whether I meet it with failure or success. But now it’s time to keep a more official account of everything. Extra excited! 🙂
13. Continued my fiction and game writing (and physical updates will come when I actually have something to show).
Yes, I am still writing in ALL three of my trinity mediums (novels, scripts, and games), and I’ve made significant progress. But recently, I’ve decided to stop posting word counts and updates on these projects in my Creative Achievements series.
Trust me, when I say there’s a good reason for this.
I’ve decided that unless a writing project is COMPLETED and READY TO SHOW, that it can’t make it onto my Creative Achievements. While I do consider writing itself as an achievement (because often we write against all odds), I want to hold myself to a higher standard. A higher standard that just having written something. I want to write and hit milestones. I’ve learned (from both my mentors and personal experience) that when you have something to show, that is when you are taken seriously as a writer. It’s also easier to snag opportunities, apply to scholarships, enter contests, and vie for fellowships when you have material.
Also, whenever I look at my “creative achievements”, I don’t want to have a false sense of accomplishment, where my writing or other endeavors are concerned. I want to look at my achievements and be able to say, “Okay, Colby, you’re doing good. But you need to make some progress in this other section,”, or “Awesome quarter, Colby! You killed it in the video game sector, but for next quarter, it’s time to get that next novel out!”
14. My novel got featured on the Writership Podcast!
Which was pretty awesome! Check it out HERE!
The Writership Podcast is an online radio show focused on helping indie authors master self-editing skills. Each week they feature a different author, read through the first 5-10 pages of that author’s manuscript, and provide editorial feedback on the work. They give some AWESOME insights and professional editing advice, so make sure to subscribe to their podcast when you get a chance!
In any case, check out Leslie and Alyssa’s reactions and editorial review of my novel, GHOSTS OF KOA. GOK got some super positive feedback, but apparently, they needed to “take refreshment” before diving in. 😉
15. Being a great mom and raising an even greater daughter.
I‘ll always end my quarterly achievements with this, because being a parent is HARD. Rewarding, but difficult, and not to be taken lightly, especially when you’re trying to build a career, put food on the table, give your child the best life, and pursue yet another degree all from scratch. So yes I am patting myself on the back, and if you’re a parent, you should too!
I’m also happy to report that my little girl is doing so well and will be hitting her FIRST birthday this October!! A major achievement that I’ll report on in December. But being a mother and a creative person is so powerful as they both fuel and support one another, even when they seem diametrically opposed.
So what about you?! How did your third creative quarter go? Leave your experiences in the comments below, and in the meantime…
Write on, rock on (and keep it indie!),
<3 Colby