october_november_and_december_flashcardYYYYEEEAAHHHH!!! 2015’s coming to a close BA-BAE!!!!

And to be honest? I’m so super freakin’ proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished. GRANTED, I didn’t finish nearly as many writing projects as I would have liked, but that’s totally okay. I’ve gotten a lot of projects off the ground and laid the foundation for what’s going to be (hopefully / in’challah) the greatest year of all time: 2016.

But first, I need to lay down my creative accomplishments for the last quarter of 2015, and then do a yearly round up as well. I’m going to dispense with the fluff, and get right into it, bullet points and all. So check it out below!

October 2015

1. Finished an AWESOME Horror Hop on my blog AND hosted an online Halloween author event and giveaway

octoberI really DO love blogging. I especially love featuring and connecting with other authors in my genre, especially ones that are fighting the color divide to diversify sci-fi, fantasy, and horror.

We had an amazing month filled with thrills and chills, and I met writers and dove into new works, and it was FANTASTIC!

If you want to see what was happening during October, just check out the blog roll here.

2. Got my first actual game writing credit on the Status Quo project

statusquoYES!!! And it feels SO good. If you recall, from about March until August I was working on the game project “Status Quo: Chronicles of a Universe at War”, and wrote over 20 missions / dialogue scripts for the game, which was WOW, an amazing experience.

Now, I’m SO happy to announce that I finally saw my name in the listing of the actual credits!! WOOT!!

I mean, obviously, I already knew I was credited, but it makes me feel that more accomplished, I suppose, lol! Now, all I need to do is add the credit to IMDB. But yes, MEGA amped!

3. Applied to the Sony Executive program

projectinvolveAaannd, I didn’t get in. Lol! But that’s okay! Just as an FYI, the Sony Exec Program was founded by Project Involve with the aim to give high-level training, education, and opportunities to professionals of color who want to break into Hollywood. Specifically, it’s for those who want to break into being a Hollywood exec.

It’s a wonderful program, and I really believed I was competitive for it, but really, there were hundreds of people contending for just ONE spot, lol. So I didn’t hold out tons of hope, but there is a wonderful silver lining here:

I wrote an awesome statement of intent which I can now use to apply to an MFA program that I’m absolutely NUTS for! I’ll tell you more about it below! But in short, I really believe that everything happens for a reason. I hope that the MFA program in question IS that reason!

4. FOUNDED The Bohemian Badass, subsidiary #2 of Rebel Ragdoll, LLC


This is a huge one. From the beginning, when I FIRST established Rebel Ragdoll in 2011, I knew I wanted it to be an independent, creative “umbrella company” that would comprise 5 subsidiaries, each of which would be dedicated to a specific industry.

The first subsidiary I founded was Rebel Ragdoll Press, LLC, the indie publishing house which aimed to increase the presence of female writers in the genres of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, crime / noir(e), action-adventure, and thriller. RRP pretty much came to life in 2013 with the publishing of its (and my) first dual-volumed dystopian sci-fi novel, “Ghosts of Koa”. (With more novels and series to come, I promise!)

But now that I have a production process in place for Rebel Ragdoll Press, it’s time for the second subsidiary to come to life. And that second subsidiary is The Bohemian Badass.

Bohemian Badass School Website ShotTo keep it short and sweet, The Bohemian Badass is an indie creative community aimed at educating, training, and empowering other female creatives to pursue their creative dreams, finish their projects, found creative f’Empires, and become the creative badasses they’re meant to be. In short, we train you in the skills you need to make your art and live off your art!

Because my website is going to be making some major author brand changes– where I’ll be focusing mostly on the books I’m reading, featuring, and writing– I won’t talk too much about The Bohemian Badass here. But we have SUCH amazing things in store for 2016, and if you’re hankering for some FREE, epic, and in-depth creative training, I invite you to click any of the links I’ve set here and join The Bohemian Badass mailing list! 🙂

5. FOUNDED the Transcendent Trilogies Project

Can you say, “LOVE OF MY LIFE”?! Say it. Well, actually, I’LL say it.

The Transcendent Trilogies Project literally IS the love of my life, and I cannot WAIT to get to it in 2016!

And yes, as you can see, I HAVE been a very busy bee, lol!

So what is the Transcendent Trilogies Project? Well, basically, I’ve really REALLY become obsessed with all the bomb ass sci-fi, fantasy, and horror trilogies I’ve been seeing around lately, and I’ve been eating them up like candy.

But then I had to ask myself: “Uh… where are the people of color?”

Which was then followed by: “Where are the LGBT fam?” And then, “Where are the differently-abled fam?” And finally, “YO! WHERE ARE WE IN THESE STORIES, FOR REALZ?!”

Yeah, I was more than perturbed. So instead of bitching about it, I’m going to do something about it. And that something is launching an awesome Patreon project, where I actually write and professionally publish diverse, kick-ass sci-fi, fantasy, and horror trilogies in the YA and NA genres.


And, once the $6,000/mth milestone of the project is unlocked, all Transcendent Trilogies are gonna be 100% free for everyone! IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

BOOM! Tell me your mind’s blown. If not, there’s more, my friend, because guess what?


YEP! While of course I’ll be writing Trilogies from the concepts in my own noggin’, for the most part, Transcendent Trilogies is a community-based writing project, where I will be taking pitches from YOU that espouse diverse ideas, characters, cultures, genders, sexualities, bodies, and more!

And then I turn those pitches and concepts into a bangin’-ass & diverse trilogy.

I know you’re amped. Because I’M amped. The project is launching in January 2016, so stay tuned, check out my Patreon page, and check out check out the promo video (in progress) below!

6. Celebrated my daughters first birthday and threw a great party for her

firstbirthdaycakeYes, my boo hit the 1-year mark, which is pretty insane. It went SO quickly! I post about that here because making it through a really rough first year really DID feel like one of my (and our) greatest creative achievements!

I’m just so proud of my boo. She is such an inspiration, and is so joyful, cheerful, and has the most infectious laughter EVER. She’s my world and having her in my life only pushes me to do better and to be greater.

Quite a few novel series and books I’d like to write down the line are definitely inspired by her and WILL be FOR her. I can’t wait to read them to her. So thanks, boo! Mommy loves you always!

November 2015

1. MORE business building for The Bohemian Badass!

The Bohemian Badass has definitely got me twisted up in the chase at the moment, boos, and I’m loving it. I really enjoy being able to split the creative novelist from the creative entrepreneur and being able to nurture both.

But then, I also get to have each one’s experiences inform the choices of the other!

Yes, sounds so very “Me, Myself, and Irene”, but it’s amazing, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for both of my brands as of 2016. In any case, this is what I got done for The Bohemian Badass this month:

  • put together The Bohemian Badass website, including our online community & social network “The Co-Creators’ Commune”
  • set up The Bohemian Badass School for Creatives
  • finished setting up some skeleton courses and course outlines for The Bohemian Badass School for Creatives
  • started preparing content upgrades, blog posts, and mini courses
  • got animated intros and music done for the Bohemian Badass courses / videos
  • created a draft of most of my webinar / course launch ecosystem (sales page, thank you pages, opt in lists, follow up emails)
  • tested out webinar technology (Google Hangouts on Air and screen sharing)

Check out the video intro for Bohemian Badass below!

There are more videos to share, but you’ll have to check out one of our FREE courses on novel writing, screenwriting, filmmaking, producing, etc in order to see them!

Courses such as…


So don’t forget to check us out, and sign up to The Bohemian Badass mailing list for updates and tons of free stuff!

2. Got the Rebel Ragdoll Press logo overhauled.


Rebel Ragdoll LLC as a company is in evolution mode, and as it evolves, so does it subsidiaries. As I enter 2016 ready to focus solely on my novel writing and on The Bohemian Badass, I thought it appropriate to get a logo done specifically for the publishing press part of the business. Let me know how you like it! 😉

3. Hosted a great giveaway via LeadPages and Facebook ads and grew my email list…

But not by very much, unfortunately!! I hosted a Hot Trilogies Giveaway, where one lucky winner would win 12 ebook trilogies. I thought such an awesome giveaway would get tons TrilogyGiveawayCollageCROPPEDof entrants for sure, but I was so wrong. I wasn’t sure if it was the giveaway itself, or the format of the prizes (ebooks vs print books), or if my Facebook ad targeting just wasn’t on point.

Either way, I would do it again, but just reconsider my strategy and put a little more thought into it.

LEADPAGES on the other hand? It’s ROCKING MY WORLD as a business owner, and though it can get a little pricey, it’s totally worth the money. Because I’m converting my blog into a primarily author-branded blog as of 2016, I won’t be talking much about LeadPages here, but you can definitely follow my LeadPages journey and get tips on it at The Bohemian Badass.

4. Created 4 new series concepts for the project slate!

connectivityideaNo matter how much or how little writing I get done, I will always continue to brainstorm, create, and develop new novel series, films and teleplays, stage plays, and video game series. I’m determined to have a development slate that will sustain my creative career for DECADES.

So can’t stop, won’t stop!!

The one I’m super excited about is a diverse, Tomb Raider-like action-adventure series. Can’t wait to get to it, but I’m going to finish my other projects first. Lol. Can’t get too distracted. 😉

5. Giveaways, giveaways, giveaways!

giftsTis the season, especially for indie authors like myself with plenty to give away!

For the holiday season, I launched three Amazon giveaways and submitted my novel for the Open Books Xmas giveaway. These helped get more readers exposed to my work, and as my backlist grows, I expect to continue with more freebies!

6. Spent some great time with my family and visited sunny Los Angeles

caliYup. Gotta get that personal update in! We went to visit my daughter’s father in Cali, and the WEATHER, omg! Was LOVING IT!

Nothing like a 70 degree day to throw off the feelings of the season, but I was not complaining. The visit was short, and before long, we were back in NY for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Still, the boo REALLY loved seeing her Papa!

December 2015

1. Continued working on The Bohemian Badass

Blog Post TemplateNot much more to say here, except that I continued to build, hone, and strengthen my brand! I migrated 70+ my writing-related posts from Colby’s Cove over to The Bohemian Badass, where they will be rehauled, beefed up, and re-posted as they are relevant.

I also created a kick-ass content queue, which is basically an exhaustive (and growing) list of:

  • posts I want to write,
  • courses I want to create and launch,
  • ebooks I want to publish,
  • bootcamps I want to host,
  • podcasts I want to produce,
  • summits I want to spearhead,
  • communities I want to establish and grow,
  • and more!

As you can see above, I’ve also developed some AMAZING blog and social media graphics for The Bohemian Badass. I mean, HOTT. Like “you’ll-be-able-to-spot-my-brand-from-miles-away” hott. And I did it myself, which makes me even MORE proud, because authors good designers do not always make, lol!

So yes, still super amped for how my author brand and The Bohemian Badass brand will be working together to create badassery… the likes of which you’ve never seen!

2. Finished first half of my application for the MFA program in Generative Dramaturgy at the University of Arizona

universityofarizonaYes, yes, YAASSS!!!

This is the mystery program I hinted at in my October update. I’m SO in love with the vision, foundation, and aim of this program, and I’m bringing ALL my A-game to the application process. It’d be my dream, and completely life-changing, to gain entry and be able to continue making art like a badass.

Especially because the school and the faculty are nothing short of incredible. So wish me luck!

3. Submitted Ghosts of Koa to the Book Pipeline Contest

BookPipelineWithFoxI couldn’t resist this one. This doesn’t need much explanation, but for those of you who aren’t particularly familiar with The Book Pipeline contest, basically, they vet your book for the potentiality of it becoming a film! Top industry players, agencies, and production houses such as Benderspink, Lakeshore Entertainment, Energy Entertainment, Darko Entertainment, and Paradigm are all on the judging panel of this contest.

ghosts of koa bundleSO EXCITING!

I love this. Because I genuinely believed that “Ghosts of Koa” is as cinematic a novel as they come, so I definitely had to give the contest a shot. While I believe my work is competitive, I won’t necessarily hold my breath. The end result is not the point. The exposure, feedback, and stepping into the realm of professional writing, though, IS.

The feedback is what I’m looking forward to! We’ll see what the judges have to say; I’m super excited to receive any helpful tips they may have so that I can make my work even better!

4. Became a total webinar and info-product / infopreneur junkie

I’ve completed SO MANY masterclasses, email courses, free online courses, starter courses, trainings, and have burned through infoproduct after infoproduct. And it is GLORIOUS. And all in the name of ninja-training myself to be the best creative I can be!

I can’t stress how important this ninja-training is to my personal and professional foundation. The trainings I’ve been in on byRegina.com in particular have been SO life changing.


a screenshot of one of the most life-changing workshops I’ve ever taken. Click on it to sign up!

Taking courses and investing in oneself as an author, business owner, brand owner, and creative entrepreneur is SO important if you want to achieve success and make a living from your art.

Having mentors, reading books, and learning new skills through online classes keeps you in the know, keeps your skills sharp, and also helps you to build your networks. Writing and creating can often be a very lonely endeavor (unless you develop games or films), and it’s important to find that network of people who “get” you, understand your struggles, and with whom you can solve common points of pain.

So I highly recommend that you get involved with some trainings yourself and see how it transforms your world!!

5. FINISHED 50% of draft 1 of The Iron Maiden!

The Iron Maiden 3D PaperbackSo before you shoot me, let me just say that this is the SECOND draft of the novel, revamped from the vomit draft (draft 0), that I’d had before. So while the Iron Maiden is still very much on its merry way, I have been working on it!

This coming year, though, with all the changes coming to both Colby’ Cove (parsing down and divvying up) and to my own personal life (namely, putting the baby in daycare), I’ll have WAY more time to focus on my novels. Year 2016 is the YEAR OF THE NOVEL.

It’s about time to finish Ezekiel’s “season 2” arc. Let’s do it!

6. Had a great blogging month during December, and even posted a few reviews!

decemberCheck out the sexy, heady books I featured on my blog throughout this month! Way to heat up a chilly December, unh? 😉 Houston Havens’ Psychic Menage series had me twisted (in a good way)!!

On a separate but related note, by SOME miracle of the gods, I was even able to get some reviews posted! Check out the December blog roll for the features and reviews!

7. Had a (mostly) relaxing vacay in Florida and a great Christmas for the baby boo!

giftbagsOf course, where there’s family and holidays concerned, there’s always a bit of drama involved. But in all, our Florida Christmas vacay was pretty relaxing. I’m so grateful for my family, both intermediate and extended.

PLUS, #Floridaweather, obvs! But it was nice for my boo and her dad to get together and spend oodles of time together.

And of course, it was great for ME. I got to relax more, sleep more, cook more, DO MY HAIR, write a lot, build my businesses, reorganize my life, and actually shower on occasion, lol! Not to mention “eating uninterrupted” for a change.

So yeah. No complaints here! 😉

8. Homed in on my goals for 2016

2016Creative, business, marketing, social media planning, EVERYTHING got the audit this month.  It was really time to figure out which goals and endeavors were important to me as an author and as a creative entrepreneur. I want to go into 2016 with LASER focus. SO, I spent a lot of my time parsing, cutting, adding, editing, and revamping my life with regard to my desired goals.

Happily, I was finally able to home in on a creative business plan and a creative action plan that will fulfill and delight me in 2016. I can’t wait to get started!

So what about you?! How did your 2015 turn out, and what do you plan to do differently this year? Leave your comments and thoughts below, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and as always…

Keep it indie,
<3 Colby