writing updates collage

What I’m writing: Still in the middle of the Iron Maiden. I stepped back from my word count to create a massive scene list for the purposes of restructuring the novel. Should be done and writing again by next Monday!

What I’m editing: Nothing fictional at the moment, BUT you’ll notice that I did a cool little upgrade to the homepage of my author website! And I continue to do small revamps to the website as well, until I can afford the sweet new web template I’ve found.

What I’m reading / watching: Still reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Took a break from the book to watch The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2: Berandal, which were AMAZING. Pretty much the best action thrillers I’ve ever seen! They’re GREAT studies of what I want to do as a filmmaker (in 2017).

What I’m researching / developing: Working pretty consistently on The ASYLUM trilogy development! I really love where the characters, world, and story are going, so I really feel as though I’ll be able to transition smoothly between development and writing on this one. Have also collected some interesting research tidbits on The FORGOTTEN trilogy (for The Transcendent Trilogies Project), but my ideas are still forming on this one.