writing updates collage

YES!! So while the last week lagged a little as well, and I continued to have to take care of administrative “life stuff”, I fought the drag like a demon, lol. AND WITH SUCCESS! I’ve finally broken free of the muck and mire to get some writing done, and other stuff too! Check it out:


Last week’s successes: So The Iron Maiden is well over the half-way mark! My personal deadline for having this version of it done is March 31st, and I hope to have it out to my editor by mid-April. The release date is still set for June 1st. Also, I’m getting a lot done for the other four books in this arc as well. So I’m SUPER happy about my progress for this week!

I also did some awesome worldbuilding and plotweaving for The ASYLUM Trilogy. I adjusted my overall production schedule as well to give myself adequate time to produce quality work. I’m still thinking about The FORGOTTEN Trilogy, though I admit, my mind is pretty much 70% focused on The Books of Ezekiel and 25% focused on The ASYLUM Trilogy. As I mentioned before, I trust my mind capacity to shift as I start releasing the next books in The Books of Ezekiel series.

Also, I finished the last author branding course from Alinka Rutkowska:100 Review Book Launch“. And I have to say: I LOVED it! The trinity of courses I’ve bought from her were not only super affordable but so impactful and actionable. There was so much info, that I had to create my own action plan based on her tutorials, so that after the course was over, I could look at my notes and implement her suggestions. I’d highly recommend this course and others, and I’ve posted my testimonials on my blog. So check them out!

In other news, I’m slowly but surely starting the expansion of my creative f’Empire, Rebel Ragdoll, with the commission of the logo for creative subsidiary #3: Rebel Ragdoll Productions. I’m gearing up to write, direct, produce, and release an action-thriller film trilogy in 2018-2019, so I’m starting to plant the seeds now!


What I’m writing this week: More work on The Iron Maiden! Upping my word count and building the story foundation as well. I’m hoping that two of my character’s storylines will be all mapped out by the end of the week.

What I’m editing this week: I need to update and upgrade my funnel pages for my website. But that’ll come by doing Nick Stephenson’s Your First 10K course!

What I’m reading / watching / listening this week: I’m working on getting through Mockingjay on my downtime. I like the series, but it can get depressing at times, lol! Last week, I needed something light and happy, so I played Candy Crush Soda instead, LOL. #sorrynotsorry

What I’m researching / developing: The ASYLUM Trilogy. I’m still developing the world history, timeline, and the World Character Arc. Very spurred on by the series idea, and I can’t wait to start writing it!

What I’m learning for this week: I love this part, lol. Honestly, I was super torn between the following courses:

I decided I was going to go for the Your First 10K Readers course first, which might itself take a couple weeks. I like to tackle my trainings by theme, so next week will be writing productivity, and then email marketing, and FINALLY two weeks of copywriting.