writing updates collage

Some fantastic progress this week! Lots of goals hit, one of which I can’t even share publicly yet, but it. is. fucking. awesome! Here’s what went down:


What I wrote: Not only did I write a lot of The Iron Maiden, but I also wrote a great deal of the next book in the series, “Blood & Ink”! It’s really fantastic what keeping to a daily habit does to your imagination. The ideas just flowed and flowed. My character’s storylines are rolling out pretty nicely with this new Plotweaving system I’ve developed; I’m able to keep decent track of the main plotlines, subplots, A-B-C stories, and action-reaction points. This is definitely a system I want to develop further and share with my writers at The Bohemian Badass!

NOTE TO SELF / PSA: In the future, as much as I LOVE The Books of Ezekiel, I think I’d advise my former self to not begin my writer’s career with such a daunting kind of novel series. I mean, BOE is not only going to be long (10 mega-novels, each mega-novel comprised of set of 1-5 volumes), but it’s also complicated to write because it’s a series written from the perspective of at least 4 people per book. It’s set up kind of like The Game of Thrones, just with a totally different storyline, context, and characters. Still, the set up of the series itself makes writing it difficult, especially when it comes to stepping into the psyche of each character to make them real. A writer really can only chip away at a monster of a story like that, but that’s what I’m doing every day! 🙂

What I edited: Still adding, streamlining, and subtracting from my scene list for The Iron Maiden. BUT, I’ve also started developing scene lists for the other 4 books in this mega-novel as well! The plot line for Blood & Ink is coming along really nicely!

Still have not edited my mailing list for my website yet. Trying to get that done this week!

What I read / watched / listened to: Not much time for casual reading, unfortunately, but I did knock down a chapter of Mockingjay. I did however read a bunch of really awesome craft and business articles for my own edification and listened to my usual podcasts, so it was the usual haul where my bookishness / nerdiness was concerned. I also soaked up some Les Brown inspiration to recharge my batteries.

What I researched / developed: I actually have been working on development for The Iron Maiden and Blood & Ink actually. I might move back to the ASYLUM Trilogy development towards the end of this week.

Yo, in slightly unrelated news regarding personal development, I also had to get my “creative planning” swag on. I have an awesome three years ahead of me in my MFA program, so I want to make sure I’m maximizing that time as much as possible so that I can reach all of my creative goals! Over the next 3 years, I’m trying to do something modest, like publish over 30 novels and also film and release a sexy film trilogy, LOL. We’ll see what happens; wish me luck. <3

What I learned: This is always my favorite part! ::nerd alert:: I love learning new stuff! So last week, I was torn between which of the amazing courses I was going to take on for this week, and I actually went with Bryan Cohen’s “Selling for Authors” free mini course! I was NOT disappointed in the least. In fact, I was so impressed by the info that I actually invested in his full, paid course, like, immediately!

The thing with Bryan is that he teaches you how to break down fear of the sale, but he also shows you some VERY kick-ass insights on copywriting for your novel. Which I need help with, like YESTERDAY. He explains the five essential skill sets that authors need in order to better sell their books and then teaches you how to master these skill sets. A course NOT to be missed!

I also completed my tenure in the Live Richer Challenge by Tiffany the Budgetnista. I ADORED this course because it’s helping me to get more educated about not only my personal finances, but my business finances as well. I’d really love to have more to invest in my creative pursuits, and this course has definitely put me miles towards that goal. Whether for yourself, your family, or your business this is a great course to take, and it’s FREE!

In addition to this larger course, I sat 3 masterclasses this past week: How to Make a Living Being Creative, Three Secrets to Writing Emails that Make You Riches (lol, I know…), and I honestly forget the name of the third one.


What I’m writing this week: The Iron Maiden! And apparently, Blood & Ink as well, lol.

What I’m editing this week: Getting my mailing list fixed AND getting those pre-orders up for The Iron Maiden. (I’ve already got the Amazon pre-order up! Now the pressure is ON!!)

What I’m reading / watching / listening this week: Honestly, whatever I have time for. Hopefully, that’ll be Mockingjay, but if not, I’m sure to get a few articles and podcasts stuffed into my noggin.

What I’m researching / developing: The entire next five-volumes of The Books of Ezekiel, because that’s what’s flowing right now.

What I’m learning for this week: I am such a course whore, lol. So I had a whole list of courses that I wanted to take last week, but my philandering ways have landed me in bed with a different set of courses. So, I’ve put quite a few of my desired courses on the back burner, and THIS is what I’m TRYING to do this week:

  • Selling for Authors (FULL COURSE) by Bryan Cohen. I’m taking this one lesson a day, which will have me done by mid-March.
  • Your First 10,000 Readers course by Nick Stephenson. I’m also taking this (again, with more purpose and action), one lesson a day, which will have me done by the end of April.
  • From Purpose to Product Challenge by Melyssa Griffin. I’m ready to start creating infoproducts for writers, and though I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing, I’m going to dive right on in anyway!
  • I Can Earn More Challenge by Patrice Washington. I’m continuing on my make that paper grind for my creative pursuits, so yes, another money challenge this month! It’ll end on the 31st of this month… super excited!

As you can see, I’ve become ridiculously fond of challenges. I’m finding they help me do some pretty awesome things, for myself and my business, in smaller chunks ONE day at a time. Which I can handle. 😉 Wish me luck!

Writing on, rocking on, and forever journeying towards creative badassery,
<3 Colby