lifelongwritinghabitcoverLifelong Writing Habit: The Secret to Writing Every Day by Chris Fox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is, like the others Fox has written in this series, AWESOME. And super inspirational. I already have a daily writing habit, but as I have so many ideas, so many responsibilities, and three growing brands, I currently lack focus. Lack of focus eventually turns into overwhelm and then into red-alert shut down, lol. Lifelong Writing Habit really takes you step-by-step through the psychology and practicum of changing your habits as a writer. These lessons can help you develop a lifelong writing habit, or a lifelong ANYTHING habit, really!

I also enjoyed the less “concrete” action steps of visualization (though they are few). While Fox usually sticks with the concrete and tangible ways to solidify a writing habit, he always takes a minute to address the more intangible blocks that we writers face: self-doubt, lack of motivation, and amorphous dubious writer goals– all of which contribute to a writer’s dwindling word count and motivation. Fox hits all points in his series.

In terms of Fox’s writing style, one thing that I LOVE about this book (and his others) is that he jumps RIGHT into his step-by-step process. No fluff and no muss. He also makes his advice actionable and digestible, so that if you want to read straight through the book and THEN apply his action steps later, he includes his suggested steps in an appendix for your convenience. Another winner in Fox’s Write Faster, Write Smarter series, not to be missed!

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Write on, rock on, and READ on,
<3 Colby