writing updates collage


Today’s post is going to be mercifully short! Yaaay!!! Over the past week, it’s clear that I’ve slowed down to enjoy life and savor the fruits of my labor. Spent a lot of time with the little one and we explored many kid-friendly places around town, namely the library and the Children’s Museum. So much fun! She had a blast, and I got to just chill out for a minute, color, and be a kid right along with her!

And yes, I WILL be buying some coloring books in the next week or so… coloring is so soothing!

Generally, my creative overloading has lightened significantly in the past week to make room for the other pleasantries in life. Family, friends, nature… ICE CREAM. Speaking of, if you’re ever in Tucson, I highly HIGHLY recommend you go to this AH-MAY-ZING vegan ice cream shop called Cashew Cow. Holy crap. I’m in love with their coffee ice cream. But they have many flavors, and all their ice cream is made with NO dairy, only cashews, and it is delicious. And it leaves you gas-free!

And no, I’m not a vegan, but damned if I’m going to eat any other kind of ice cream from here on in!

When I have the money, I’d love to be an investor for this place. They only have one location so far, and I KNOW the owner would make a KILLING in NYC, LA, Seattle, Portland… omg. And not to mention getting the Cashew Cow brand into wholefood stores? MY GOD. Not only a Cashew Cow, but also a CASH Cow, y’all. #dontsleep #investorsgetyourmoneyup

Anyways, yes. Ice cream. Lol! Skipping through life! Being delightful as fuck!

It felt strange taking a little time off, but it allowed me to focus on my health, mindspace, and on my bond with my little one. But as of today, the Colby Creative Cray Choo-Choo train will be pulling out of the station again because I have to #adult like hell this week. And write. Getting geared up for classes, pulling my apartment together, doing some shopping (yummy food and yummy outfits), making and sitting appointments, talking to all my friends back home for the last time in a while, GRADUATE ORIENTATION… !!!! Just stuff. Plus writing. Plus business bossing.

Plus buying books, of course!

Anyways, here’s:

LAST WEEK’S HAUL (8/8/16 – 8/14/16)

What I wrote: More plotting for all the character storylines in The Iron Maiden. That’s pretty much ALL I did. My goal is to finish EVERYONE’S plot by the end of August.

What I read / watched / listened to: FINISHED How to Get Away with Murder, and while I love the series, the resolution of the main plot felt pretty weak to me. 😛 There are also a lot of things that happen in the season that, to me, feel like “jumping the shark” a bit. Certain things and liaisons that occur only to serve the plot and not to focus on character development. STILL, I stay tuned, which is the important part. I’m also catching up with House of Cards occasionally. I’m still two and a half full seasons behind, but I’m totally cool with that. This series is still SO friggin’ good!

What I researched / developed: I worked on The Bohemian Badass website this week, just trying to organize and streamline a bunch of things. I also created a great Facebook group for all the Badasses who will be apart of the Bohemian Badass community! Aside from that, much of my focus has been on “adulting”, lol! And developing my personal organization and mind space. Just trying to tie up a few loose ends before school starts!

What I learned this week: I actually didn’t do any real delving into classes this week, if you can believe it. I reviewed a class from last week, and I started a few lessons from the “Email Marketing for Authors” course, but nothing too intense or invested. I was in total chill mode. Maybe this coming week, though, I’ll take something light.

THIS WEEK’S HUSTLE (8/15/16 – 8/22/16)

What I’m writing: Still more plotting and writing for The Iron Maiden. Can’t stop, won’t stop. I’ll probably start writing some of my other series as well.

What I’m reading / watching / listening to: I’m cruising through House of Cards, but I’m definitely also checking out Mr. Robot this week.

What I’m researching / developing: I’ll be focusing on the plotting and world development for other projects, namely, the ASYLUM trilogy, the FORGOTTEN trilogy, and the Hitmen of Happily Ever After fairy-tale revamp series! If I can have as many books as possible published by the end of 2017 in each of these series, I’ll be a super happy camper.

I’ll also be finishing up my work on the Metaphor Maven signature course, as I’d taken a nice, NEEDED break from it the past two weeks, lol.

What I’m learning: I’ll probably take two light courses this week. I’m looking at delving more deeply into the “Email Marketing for Authors: Savvy Authors Sell More” by Cathy Presland and Nick Stephenson’s “Author Marketing Machine”. I’m sure you can tell from the titles that marketing is the theme here, lol! I just sort of randomly selected these from my list of courses to take, because they are both light courses that sort of review many things I know, but that will also introduce some new concepts too.

Still, they both sound promising!

See? Wasn’t that delightfully short? It pays to relax on one’s grind every so often and to just take life as it comes! What about you, though? Have you been on your grind, hustle, and flow this week, or was it time to wander off the beaten path for a bit? How’d it work out for you? Leave your comments and thoughts below! <3

Writing on, rocking on, and forever journeying towards creative badassery,
<3 Colby

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