Hi all! A quick announcement to all readers and writers: this month, I’ll be doing an eclectic blog tour that will feature DIVERSE sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and paranormal works.
Want to know what counts as “diverse”? Want to submit your work? Check out the guidelines below!
How to Qualify for #WeNeedDiverseBooks
Your book must:
- Be independently published.
- Here’s a definition of what I consider to be independently published work or authors: “Independent book publishers include small presses, mid-size independent publishers, university presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors.”
- Be in the sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or paranormal genres
- Be professionally edited, well-written, and have a professional cover
- Be written by, for, or about people of color, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ, and more!
Other important notes:
- Books featuring protagonists who belong to these particular groups are strongly desired. (But not a requirement, so long as the work itself is about or written by someone in the aforementioned groups.)
- Whether or not your book will be admitted to the blog tour is at my discretion and is also dependent on overall book quality, cover quality, and available space.
How to Submit Your Book
These are the three things I’ll need from you:
1. Your Author Media Kit, which can include any or all of the following:
An author bio
- An author pic
- A book blurb
- A book cover
- A book trailer (If you have links to embed videos (for a book trailer or what not), feel free to include the links in your press kit as my blog is fully equipped to accommodate all types of media!)
- An excerpt from your book
- Book reviews or book review excerpts
- Supplementary pics, banners, and/or illustrations to put into the blog post (or to put into your book excerpt)
- An author interview
- An audio reading from one of your works
- A series listing or series book cover gallery (if you have multiple works and want to advertise not only your new book, but your prolific career and backlist as an author)
- Links to your website and social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Google+, Blogger, Tumblr, Instagram, etc)
- Buy links to where your book is for sale
- Suggested post tags and hashtags for when I post the blog on my website AND for when I advertise the blog through my social media outlets (i.e. #urbanfantasy, #weneeddiversebooks, etc)
- Any other cool or unique materials that you feel put your book in a cool light!
Please send these materials in either Word or PDF format.
What you send in your media kit is up to you, your comfort level, and what you think would put your book in the best light.
2. State very clearly in your email what specific GENRE your work is in.
Don’t just say it’s fantasy. Lol! If it’s an epic fantasy romance, then let me know! The more specific, the better, and the easier it is to assign categories and tags to your book so that it can find its niche audience.
3. Send #1 and #2 to colbyrrice@rebelragdoll.com.
Whether you’ll be featured or not, I’ll get back to you on the status of your post!
Thanks all, and I look forward to hyping up your stuff!
Keep it indie,
<3 Colby