by Colby R Rice | Oct 10, 2013 | Writing Inspiration & Writing Achievements
So sorry to interrupt our regularly scheduled New York Comic Con programming! Yes, I know I used a particularly delightful-looking bottom to do so, but it’s all for a good cause! Major announcement: as of summer of 2014, Rebel Ragdoll’s going fashionable!...
by Colby R Rice | Sep 26, 2013 | Filmmaking, Films & Filmmaking, Novels, Plays & Playwriting, Producing, Screenplays & Screenwriting, Short Stories & Writing Shorts, TV Pilots, TV Specs, & TV Writing, Writing & Editing
So, we’ve talked about being a writer and being a producer, and yep… now we’re smashing them together like PB & J, yo! No, but seriously, what are the benefits of writing films and producing them? Why not just be one or the other? For me...
by Colby R Rice | Apr 21, 2012 | Audio & Video, Videos, Reels, & Demos
Here is an intro video I’ve done for my blog to kick off the informational “Rebel Ragdoll Reel” for sci-fi & fantasy! There are many many more “reels” coming to you in the very near future, all having to do with writing, publishing,...