Brave New Souls: Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers of the 21st Century

Brave New Souls: Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers of the 21st Century

As a part of the running theme of #WeNeedDiverseBooks month, I’m delighted to present an eye-opening documentary about the amazing and arduous journeys of successful Black creators through the comic, publishing, tv, and film industries. The documentary is called...
Colby’s Creative Achievements in January 2014!

Colby’s Creative Achievements in January 2014!

So, usually, I save my self-assessment for the end of the year. But this time, I decided to take a monthly inventory, not only because it makes the end of the year assessment easier to write (copy and paste, anyone?), but also because taking inventory on a short-term...
List of Writer’s Resources in Los Angeles & Beyond (for Aspiring Producers too!)

List of Writer’s Resources in Los Angeles & Beyond (for Aspiring Producers too!)

I love lists. Lists are amazing. They’re easy to make, shareable, and editable. I’ve only been in Long Beach / Los Angeles County for about 2 weeks, but I’m already starting to sink my fangs into all the resources I can for aspiring screenwriters and...