by Colby R Rice | Jun 6, 2014 | Writing Inspiration & Writing Achievements
So in my last post about Kicking Off the Third Quarter”, Part I of III, I laid out my inner feelings on all the recent changes in my life that have made me feel super sluggish on the creative and professional front. But I didn’t want to leave it on that...
by Colby R Rice | Jun 3, 2014 | Writing Inspiration & Writing Achievements
Thought explosion up ahead, so bear with me! The Bitter(sweet) Beginning Okay, so it’s time to really get jiggy with it. For the past five months, things have been moving forward but in a very bumpy fashion. So many things have gotten done, and yet others have...
by Colby R Rice | May 31, 2014 | Writing Inspiration & Writing Achievements
So after a super sluggish first quarter (Jan, Feb, March), the second quarter has picked up ten-fold. It began to pick up speed during April, but is now in FULL SWING in May and I expect the same for June! Hopefully, even as the second half of June’ll become...
by Colby R Rice | May 21, 2014 | Writing Inspiration & Writing Achievements
So yes, this is late, please forgive me, lol! But I just wanted to get a quick note of reflection and gratitude out there to the Universe on April’s Achievements (such as they are)! So begins the second quarter of the year, with tons of new adventures… and...
by Colby R Rice | May 4, 2014 | Writing Inspiration & Writing Achievements
Yes! This is a late post, but a necessary one! Even when life gets crazy, you need to sit back and take stock so that you can adjust your efforts and be more efficient in achieving your goals! So to be true, February and March were decent achievement-wise, but they...